Every last sunday of the month there is a farmers' market in Bordeaux St. Thomas. We spent the greater part of the day there yesterday and had a blast!Cherry tomatoes are my favorite!
Beautiful organic mineral and protein rich collards! And our good friend Ras Omaha.
"Ital" food, completely whole food vegan and delicious!!
Drinking fresh coconut water, I also had some water from a young coconut!
Drinking fresh coconut water, I also had some water from a young coconut!
At this point we are on a tour of part of the farm. An Edwards variety mango tree on the farm. Not quite ready
As you can see shopping at, or even volunteering at your local farmers market can reap BIG benefits!! It is the BEST way, outside of gardening yourself, to get organic, fresh, seasonal produce and get outside in the sun and meet up with friends. Some of the produce available included collard greens, arugula (an aromatic salad green), fresh parsley, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and thyme (yay herbs!!!), young coconuts, eggplant, red and green leaf lettuce, pumpkin and grapefruit.
Plus there were plenty of vegan food vendors and people selling local drinks like sorrel tea and peanut punch (more on these later!). As well as some local crafts people selling clothes, tams, jewelery, art and household items. So we had an all around great day.
We took a tour of part of the farm and learned all about mango trees, grafting and gray water irrigation. So awesome!!! We tasted a couple of acerola cherries right off the tree which are very high (higher than citrus fruits) in vitamin C.
In Radience,
Herbal Eranah